

Here is the template I made for the bus advert using photoshop. this is the old bus advert piece. The black parts are to show the parts of the bus that the advert isn't placed on.
This is me in the process of making the old magazine cover using photoshop. I selected this background as the lonely tree in the field represents "the last one alive". this could mean that we are running out of trees to cut down as we are going too quick.

Finally, Here is the magazine cover, with the text. The tree sits just below the text which I think makes it look a lot better. It catches your eye a lot better. 

These are the newest ones that I did with the program called KRITA because I do not own Photoshop.

This snapshot here is me in the process of creating the bus advert, the dimensions are on the research page. 

Here is the finished bus banner. I'm not very good at editing photos and I have never used KRITA before so I don't really know what I'm doing.

Below is the Magazine page without any of the information. It is just to catch the eye with the title and the shocked stock image. 

Finally, for the newspaper advert, I created this. I added a drop shadow to the text to make it stand out more than it would without it.

Here are the finals pieces

I showed all of these to my sister, who is at the age of maybe wanting to change the world.

For this one she agreed that if she saw it, she would want to read on as to why it was her fault. obviously it is not only her fault, but it caught her eye and she had to question. Then she read the research and found that the human race was doing this to the earth. My sister agrees with me in saying she wants to do something about it.

For this one, My sister wasn't really too intrigued, as it kind of looks like a joke. I do agree with this. She believes that if I would've gotten rid of the shocked stock image, she might've been more interested in finding out about it.

And finally for this one, my sister thinks this is a good way of attracting peoples attention as buses are all over the world. And you see at least one everyday. She believes that the message would get through and that people was contemplate what they are doing, and try to change their ways. She likes the design of the cut down tree, and how the title links to that "our world is falling".
